Historical Series

The Historic Series store data on securities registration, deposit and trading at B3. With this, you can research volume and inventory by period.

From May 02nd, 2023, all data related to trading and position of the following securities will only be available on the Daily Bulletin, Fixed Income section, on OTC Consolidated Trades and OTC Position tables: Agribusiness Receivable Certificate (CRA), Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificate (CDCA), CRI, Corporate Bonds (DEB), Closed-end Funds (CFF), COE, Financial Letter (LF, LFSN, LFSC), LIG, Commercial Paper (NC).

From Dec 18, 2023, all data related to Registration and Stock of the instruments mentioned below will be made available on the Daily Bulletin, OTC section, on CCP OTC Derivatives Inventory, CCP OTC Derivatives Records, Non-CCP OTC Derivatives Inventory, Non-CCP OTC Derivatives Records.

Data by asset

Research numbers for each asset within the period available for consultation. Each asset can include additional information and descriptions.

Comprehensive data

Consult information regarding each asset such as total valuated inventory, financial settlement volume, trading and turnover (financial volume processed).